Driven by Discovery: Opportunities in Medical Research

Research & Publications
The quality of education at Trinity School of Medicine is demonstrated by the research and scholarly accomplishments of our students and faculty. Trinity students have numerous opportunities to get involved with research by partnering with professors on projects currently underway or even designing their own projects under the mentorship of faculty.
The Trinity Journal, a student-run organization, offers peer advising and inspires student engagement in research and scholarly activities. Meetings enable students to form focus groups, design, and complete research projects. Peer mentors assist with research, publication, presentation, statistical analysis, and medical conference attendance.
- Chanda, P., Jones, S., Mirville, R., & Masese, C. (2024). Homelessness and Maternal – Child Health: A Complex Nexus. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Corpuz, A., Manahan, K., Geisler, J., & Bear, J. (2024). Metastatic Testicular Mixed Germ Cell Tumor Presenting as Posterior Scrotal Pain. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Pollock, H., Corpuz, A., Manahan, K., Geisler, J., & Vella, V. (2024). Post-Epidural Collapse Leading to an Emergent C-Section. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Barr, E., Moua, K., & Williams, J.T. (2024). Mirizzi Syndrome: A Rare Complication of Gallstone Disease. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Slaczka, F., Uruthirakumar, R., Slaczka, M., Geisler, J., & Bozeman, A. (2024). Delayed Diagnosis of Internal Anal Sphincter Achalasia Presenting as Chronic Refractory Constipation. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Slaczka, F., Slaczka, M., Geisler, J., & Janjua, E. (2024). Dietary Modification as an Effective Treatment Strategy for Medication-Resistant Crohn’s Disease. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Tyre, J.A., Tyre, N., & Narh-Martey, P. (2024) Preoperative Labs for Hemicolectomy Leads to an Incidental Lung Mass Finding. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Sheikh-Aden, H., Lish, L., Muthu, A., & Malas, O. (2024). Transfusion of Uncrossmatched Erythrocytes in Acute Intraoperative Hemorrhage. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Bahinga, L., Ngatena, I., Pendergraft, C., & Harrington, S. (2024) Marginal Ulcer following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Alsenad, S. (2024). Adrenal Crisis and Cushing Syndrome Triggered by Herbal Supplements. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Lewis, K. (2024). Platelet level and prognosis in cervical cancer treatment with radiation and chemotherapy. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Wood, M. (2024). Impact of Sleep Habits on Medical School Performance. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., Rallis, S., Yaschuk, K., & Uruthirakumar, R. (2024). The potential of High Dose Vitamin C as an Adjunct to Chemotherapy. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Hussein, A. (2024). Left Atrial Myxoma in Robotic Hysterectomy. Trinity Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., Blankenship, M., & Awosika, O. (2024). NBME in relation to Step 2. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Bozeman, A., Azam, F., Uruthirakumar, R., Moore, M. (2024). Case Report: Anal Achalasia. Presented at the Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Lewis, K. (2024). Thrombocytosis is a Poor Prognostic Indicator in Those Treated with Chemoradiation for Advanced Cervical Cancer. Presented at the 2024 Inaugural Research Fair, Warner Robins, GA, USA.
- Devendra, N., Adlekha, S., & Shah, D. K. (2024). Navigating the challenges of hypoglycemia in Type 1 diabetes: A comprehensive review. International Journal of Scientific Research, 13–15.
- Karkera, S., Devendra, N., Lakhani, B., Manahan, K., & Geisler, J. (2024). A review on modern teaching and learning techniques in medical education. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(1).
- Ulintz, A., Ettingoff, C., Lowe, R. Lyons, M. Mobile, Multidisciplinary Approach for Nonfatal Opioid Overdose Survivors. SAEM Pulse, Jan 2024, 18-19.
- Cusumano, M, Ettingoff, C., Jones, M. Sha, K. ABC versus CAB: Fingering the Pulse in Trauma Resuscitation Training. SAEM Pulse, July 2024.
- Ettingoff, C., Jones, K. Barriers to the Treatment of Depression in Pilots. The Orbiter, June 2024.
- Krupinski, C., Ettingoff, C. Barotrauma in the ER: Approach to Assessment and Treatment of Acute Onset Ear Pain After a Flight. The Orbiter, June 2024.
- Woods, M., Ettingoff, C., Jones, K. Strategies for Improving Continuity of Care for Psychiatric Patients Discharged from the Emergency Department. SAEM Pulse, Sep 2024.
- Karkera, S., Devendra, N., Adlehka, S., & Lakhani, B. (2024). Developing Medical Students as Teaching Assistants: An Anatomy-Based Student-As-Teacher program with emphasis on core teaching competencies, its effectiveness and improvement. Acta Scientific Anatomy, 3(5), 12–16.
- Lakhani, B., Karkera, S., Manahan, K. J., & Geisler, J. (2024). Clinical Features and Cardiac Anomalies of Children with Down Syndrome. A Literature Report. European Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2(2), 206–219.
- Karkera, S., Devendra, N., Manahan, K., & Smith, D. (2024). Emphasizing The Crucial Role of Research in Caribbean Medical Schools. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 23(4), 11.
- Karkera, S., & Devendra, N. (2024). Introduction of Anatomage Table in Anatomy Teaching: A Paradigm shift in medical education. Journal of Human Anatomy, 8(1), 1–2.
- Karkera, S., Manahan, K., & Lakhani, B. (2024). Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy in Neuroscience: A Practical Example. International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, 12(7).
- Modna, Y., Shah, D., & Stanton, S. (2024). The main stress factors contributing to burnout among medical students. 2024 USC Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Los Angeles, CA, United States of America.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Lewis, K. (2024). Platelet level and prognosis in cervical cancer treatment with radiation and chemotherapy. APGO, United States of America.
- Manahan, K., & Jones, S. (2024). Homelessness and Maternal Child Health. AMEC, New Orleans, LA, United States of America.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Wood, M. (2024). Impact of Sleep Habits on Medical School Performance. GAPI, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., Rallis, S., Yaschuk, K., & Uruthirakumar, R. (2024). The potential of High Dose Vitamin C as an Adjunct to Chemotherapy. GAPI, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Uruthirakumar, R., Valenti, G. G., Yeh, B. K., Gardner, P. A., & Bell, D. (2024). Accurate Diagnosis & Ewing’s Therapy: Key to Success in INI-Negative Pediatric Chordoma. 2024 Great Lakes Pediatrics Research Day, East Lansing, MI, United States of America.
- Valenti, G. G., Uruthirakumar, R., Yeh, B., Gardner, P., & Bell, D. (2024). INI-1 Negative Pediatric Cervical Chordoma: The Importance of Brachyury Staining. American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology National Conference, Seattle, WA, United States of America.
- Sheikh-Aden, H., Lish, L., Muthu, A., & Malas, O. (2024). Transfusion of Uncrossmatched Erythrocytes in Acute Intraoperative Hemorrhage. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Ettingoff, C., Reyes, C. (2024). SEMINAR: Social Emergency Medicine Integrated Network for Advancing Research. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Phoenix, AZ, United States of America.
- Ettingoff, C., Yang, D., Samuels, E (2024). Community Engaged Research: What and How. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.
- Ettingoff, C. (2024) Meeting People Where They Are: OUD Interventions in the ED and Prehospital Setting. North Georgia Opioid Prevention and Education Network.
- Ettingoff, C. (2024) Alternatives to the Emergency Department. Symposium on Responding to Behavioral Health Emergencies.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Lewis, K. (2024). Thrombocytosis is a Poor Prognostic Indicator in Those Treated with Chemoradiation for Advanced Cervical Cancer. APGO Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, United States of America.
- Singh, S. (2024). Sun-Exposed Skin Hyperpigmentation in a Chronic Kratom User. American College of Physicians Georgia Chapter Conference, Savannah, GA, United States of America.
- Koti, B., Chen, Z., Zamora, J. A., Awosika, O., KC, K., & Bear, J. (2024). Persistent Urethral Strictures to Prostate Abscess: An Unusual Presentation in an Immunocompetent Patient. American College of Physicians – Georgia Chapter Conference, Savannah, GA, United States of America.
- Contreras, P., Hanna, M., Marr, V., Lowry, J., Narh-Martey, P., & Manahan, K. (2024). Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Acute Appendicitis. American College of Physicians – Georgia Chapter Conference, Savannah, GA, United States of America.
- Slaczka, F., Uruthirakumar, R., & Slaczka, M. (2024). Internal anal sphincter achalasia: A rare cause of chronic constipation. Trinity School of Medicine Journal Club, Warner Robins, GA.
- Corpuz, A., & Fentie, K. (2024). Mixed Testicular Germ Cell Tumor presenting as Acute Scrotal Pain. Trinity School of Medicine Journal Club, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Corpuz, A., & Meremetoh, C. (2024). Retrospective observational cohort study on Medicare Patient in BP control with RPM in GA, USA. Trinity School of Medicine Journal Club, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Abduladheem, A. (2024). Quadricuspid Aortic Valve. Trinity School of Medicine Journal Club, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Lavergne, M., & Corpuz, A. (2024). Twiddler Syndrome: A Hidden Culprit Behind Abdominal Pain and Pacemaker Dysfunction. Trinity School of Medicine Journal Club, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Velappan, K., Cherdsuriya, A., Rallis, S., & Manahan, K. (2024). Is Cancer a Consequence of Dysfunctional Mitochondria? Georgia Association for Physicians of Indian Heritage, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Hozayen, O., Hozayen, J., Fentie, K., & Baaj, H. (2024). Small Cell, Transitional, and Pappilary Carcinoma of the Bladder. An 11-Year Old Oddyssey Culminating in Successful Preservation. Georgia Association for Physicians of Indian Heritage, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Hozayen, J. (2024). A Case of Cutaneous Nocardiosis in a Young Immunocompetent Female. Georgia Association for Physicians of Indian Heritage, Warner Robins, GA, United States of America.
- Modna, Y., & Stanton, S. (2023). Medical students’ wellbeing and burnout in a Caribbean medical school during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 6(3), 10–25.
- Karkera, S., Lisapo, N., & Mahajan, A. (2023). The Comparison of Clinical Characteristics of PCR confirmed COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 infection) cases in different age groups. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 22(5), 6–23.
- Karkera, S., Devendra, N., Scott, B. R., & Hames, A. (2023). An investigation into the use of electrolyzed reduced water in overall health and wellness. Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy, 9(1), 077–086.
- Karkera, S., Agard, E., & Sankova, L. (2023). The clinical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and the treatment options. European Journal of Biology and Medical Science Research, 11(1), 57–91.
- Proctor, G., Moth, J., Layal, T., Moth, A., & Pye, A. M. (2023). Mixed venous oxygen saturation in aeromedical Pre-Hospital care Post-COVID-19. Air Medical Journal, 42(4), 308.
- Tyre, J. A., Nahr-Martey, P., & Tyre, N. M. (2023). Pre-operative labs for left hemicolectomy reveals hyponatremia that leads to lung mass finding. Curēus.
- Gumer, K. S., & Narh-Martey, P. (2023). S4084 Celiac artery compression Syndrome: a rare diagnosis for a common complaint. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 118(10S), S2591–S2592.
- Barvo, M. M., Javed, M., Hussain, M. W., Leff, P., Dinner, B. A., Lee, R. E., & MacElwee, M. M. (2023). S3435 A Novel approach in the treatment of entamoeba liver abscess. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 118(10S), S2267.
- Davis, J, Ettingoff, C, Malik, A, Thomas, M. Addressing Diversity in the EM Research Workforce. SAEM Pulse, Sep 2023, 30-33.
- Ettingoff, C., Gordon, H. Process Matters: From Lobbying to Law. In: Schlicher, N., Haddock, A., eds. Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook. 6th ed. Emergency Medicine Residents Association; 2023. ISBN 978-1-929854-72-1.
- Geisler, J., Manahan, K., & Mangat, M. (2023). Impact of PBL on OB/Gyn NBME shelf exam scores. Medical Association of Georgia, GA, United States of America.
- Fazal, & Gumer, K. (2023). Neuroendocrine Tumors: The Importance of Physical Exam. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America.
- Barvo, M. M., Javed, M., Hussain, M. W., Leff, P., Dinner, B. A., Lee, R. E., & MacElwee, M. M. (2023). S3435 A Novel approach in the treatment of entamoeba liver abscess. American College of Gastroenterology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America.
- Dill, H., Osayande, A., & Shian, B. Targeted Outreach to improve Influenza vaccine disparity within Hispanic Population in Gwinnett County Georgia. Poster Presentation. American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Conference, Kansas City, MO. 2023.
- Proctor, G., Moth, J., Layal, T., Moth, A., & Pye, A. M. (2023). Mixed venous oxygen saturation in aeromedical Pre-Hospital care Post-COVID-19. Critical Care Transport Medical Conference. Denver, Colorado.
- Ettingoff, C., Lewis J., Stanford, K (2023). The Emergency Department: Public Health’s Ultimate Safety Net. American Public Health Association.
- Jovanovic, D. (2022). Group work in the annotation of virtual pathological slides. Virchows Archiv, 481(Suppl 1), S1-S364.
- P Modna, Y., & Caldwell, N. (2022). The metabolic adverse effects of weight gain in the pharmacotherapy of antipsychotics in adults and options to reduce them. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(12), 99–108.
- Modna, Y., & Field. (2022). The use of e-cigarettes among children aged 13-18 and their possible effect on the development of depression. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(12), 71–79.
- Paudel KR, Panta P, Diaz L, Johnson G, Thapa S. Does an Attendance-Credit Increase Medical Students’ Attendance in In-class Lectures and Performance in Pharmacology and What is the Correlation Between Class Attendance and Performance on Pharmacology Exams? Caribbean Medical Journal March 2022, Vol 28 Issue 1.
- Panta R, Paudel KR. Vegan diet to slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy: A review. OARJ (Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies) 2022, 04(01), 056-62
- Dev Kumar Shah, Yuliya Modna. The impact of medical students’ metacognitive awareness level on their academic performance. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2022;10:2363-70.
- Modna, Y., Shah, D., Young, T., & Frazier, A. (2022). A clinical case: tongue hypoesthesia in adults after administration of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. Case Report Health Med, 3(2), 3:004.
- Karkera Shilpa, Danielle Vera, Kathleen Carter (2022), Covid 19 and neurological manifestation: A review; International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research; 4(4):718-726
- Karkera Shilpa (2022), A Study on Experience of Human Cadaveric Dissection. J Evolution Med Dent Sci ;11 (01) ;169-172
- Karkera Shilpa (2022), New Born Children with NTD. Sch Int J Anat Physiol, 5(1): 9-14
- Nankya Williams, A. (2022) Investigating the relationship between library use, One shot IL session, use of library website and medical students’ self-efficacy for information literacy skills. International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management 2 (5), 42-54.
Graduate Student Master of Health Sciences Thesis Committee (TMSU) Graduate student: Dustun FieldMentor: Y. Modna.Thesis Title: “The use of e-cigarette among children aged 13-18 and its possible effect on the development of depression and suicidal ideation”Graduate student: Dustun FieldMentor: Y. Modna. Thesis Title: “The metabolic adverse effects of weight gain in the pharmacotherapy of antipsychotics in adults and options how to reduce them”Graduate student: Nina LisapoMentor: S. Karkera,Thesis Title: “The Comparison of Clinical Characteristics of PCR confirmed COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 infection) cases in different age groups “Graduate student: Gabrielle RobertsonMentor: D. Shah,Thesis Title: “The Effects of Systemic Hypertension on the Human Body and Methods of prevention “
- D. Jovanovic, Group work in the annotation of virtual pathological slides, 34thEuropean Congress of Pathology, 3 to 7 September 2022, Basel, Switzerland
- Panta R, Paudel KR. Does Stroop effect in medical students correlate with their physiology exam score? (Abstract). 2022 APS Institute of Teaching Learning, Madison, WI, 21-24 June 2022, p. A19.7; poster presentation.
- Modna, Y., & Stanton, S. (2022). Medical students’ wellbeing and burnout in a Caribbean medical school during COVID-19 pandemic. 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting, Denver, CO, USA.
- Karkera, Shilpa. A Current Knowledge of Down Syndrome a Review; IJDMSR; 2021.Vol 3 (1), 805-810
- Karkera, Shilpa, P Ranganath. A Novel Method of Cadaver Embalming, Dissection and Preparation of Museum Specimen. RJPBCS. 2021 Vol 12(1), 214-221.
- Paudel R, Nepal HP. Linezolid resistance in vancomycin resistant enterococci: a worrisome situation. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2021;10:464-5.
- Modna, Y., Klauber, M., & Barbarovich, A. (2021). Non-operative reduction of intussusception in 16-Month-Old boy with sudden episode of hemorrhaging deterioration via reperfusion of Meckel’s diverticulum: case report. Central European Journal of Paediatrics, 17(1), 43–47.
- Jovanovic, D., & Derigo, A. (2021). A 14-Year-Old boy with fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressive: phenotypic Characterization and Genetic analysis. The Central European Journal of Paediatrics, 17(2), 105–109.
- Durbeck, J., Breton, C., Suter, M., Luth, E. S., & McGehee, A. (2021). The Doublesex/Mab-3 domain transcription factor DMD-10 regulates ASH-dependent behavioral responses. PeerJ, 9, e10892.
- Zhuravlova I. Introduction of Team Based Learning in Anatomy course and student’s perception of its usefulness. Poster presentation. TBLC 2021 Annual Meeting. March 3-5, 2021.
- Isabella Batki , Raven McMillin , Kyla Swain , Sabbu Bajimaya. Looking beyond the L&D ward: are birthing centers the key to improving pregnancy outcomes in patients of color? 26th Annual Poster Session.
- Modna, Y., Klauber, M., & Barbarovich, A. (2021). Non-operative reduction of intussusception in 16-month-old boy with sudden episode of hemorrhaging deterioration via reperfusion of Meckel’s diverticulum: Case report. World Pediatric Congress, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Salous AK, D’Adamo CR, Rubin J, Zweigle J, Cantos EA, Lopez-Perez M, Lannom M, Dodenhoff SM, Coleman J, Ahuja V. Stakeholder Engagement Significantly Decreased Colorectal Surgical Site Infections. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2020 Jul 17. doi: 10.1089/sur.2019.134.
- Le T, Bhushan V, Barvo M [Contributing Editor]. Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Hematology-Oncology, and Musculoskeletal Chapters. First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2021, Thirty first edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
- Gonzalez S, Barvo M [Contributing Author & Editor]. Carcinoid Tumors. Surgery Basics. Florida: Living Learnings, 2020
- Syed T, Barvo M, Kamath N, Alweis, R. Acute popliteal thrombus workup leads to discovery of primary peritoneal mesothelioma in the absence of any known asbestos exposure. BMJ Case Reports. 2020;13(2).
- Zhuravlova I, Kornieieva M. Anatomic Variability of the Morphometric Parameters of the Third Ventricle of the Brain and Its Relations to the Shape of the Skull // Journal of Neurological surgery – Part B. Skull base. – 2020 Feb.; DOI 10.1055/s-0040-1701527. ISSN 2193-6331.
- Zhuravlova I. Anatomical variability of parameters of the third and fourth ventricle in relation to the shape of the skull. FASEB Journal (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) / V. 34, Issue S1. 15 April 2020.
- Paudel K R, Diaz L, Johnson G. Does attendance credit increase medical students’ participation in in-class lectures and performance in pharmacology? FASEB Journal / V. 34, Issue S1. 20 April 2020.
- Panta R, Paudel KR, Toth S, Oslen J. Correlation of Stroop Effect in Medical Students to Their Performance in Pharmacology National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Examination. The FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) journal, 20 April 2020, Vol 34 issue S1
- Patel S, Miyares M, Mishra M. Causative Factors for Aggressive Behavior and Violent Tendencies: Nature Versus Nurture. American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2020; 10(6): 370-373.
- Karkera S, Shekar S, Ranganath P. “Histological Study of Cerebrum, Cerebellum in Anencephalic & Non-Anencephalic Foetuses.” Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, 2020, p. 71+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 27 May 2020.
- Jovanović, D., & Breland, N. (2020). Pure de Novo 4.5 MB duplication at XP11.22-P11.23 in an 18-Month-Old Boy: Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization. Central European Journal of Paediatrics, 16(2), 146–149.
- Jovanovic D, Gazibara T, Solanki R, Ackerman C, Satkovich E. Perception of health-related case studies in the context of introduction to clinical medicine course: student’s and teachers’ perspective, Ir J Med Sci, (1971-), 189, 373 – 379. 2020
- Bangura A, Wright L, Shuler T (June 13, 2020) Hypophosphatasia: Current Literature for Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Cureus 12(6): e8594. doi:10.7759/cureus.8594
- Paudel R, Nepal HP. Tigecycline: pharmacological concerns and resistance. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2020;9:1296-300.
- Park, J. C., Faquin, W. C., Durbeck, J., & Faden, D. L. (2020). Immune checkpoint inhibitors in sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncology, 109, 104776.
- Park, J. C., Durbeck, J., Boudadi, K., Ho, W. J., & Kang, H. (2020). The efficacy of anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oral Oncology, 108, 104935.
- Park, J. C., Durbeck, J., Clark, J. R., & Faden, D. L. (2020). Treatment sequence of cetuximab and immune checkpoint inhibitor in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma differentially affects outcomes. Oral Oncology, 111, 105024.
- Park, J. C., Durbeck, J., & Clark, J. R. (2020). Predictive value of peripheral lymphocyte counts for immune checkpoint inhibitor efficacy in advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 13(6), 1.
- Syed T, Barvo M, Kamal S, et al. Schwannoma of the sigmoid colon discovered on screening colonoscopy. 2020 American College of Gastroenterology Annual Conference (October 23-28)
- Barvo M, Diaz R, Modna Y. Medical student workload stress and the likelihood of acid reflux. 2020 American Medical Student Association Annual Convention (April 16-19)
- Bangura A, Barvo M, Zhuravlova I, Scott B. Gap years, medical school performance, & academic burnout. 2020 American Medical Student Association Annual Convention (April 16-19)
- Suleiman B, Shalit B, Seenath R, Harrington W. An Unusual Case of Herpes Encephalitis in a Patient with Peptic Ulcer Disease. 2020 Richard B. Williams American College of Physicians Medical Student Conference for Mid-Atlantic Chapters (February 29)
- Jack-Edwards F, Jackson M, McDiarmid O, Linda R. Adkison. Three-Year Outcomes Of Student-Led Disciplinary Committee. Poster presentation, IAMSE 2020 virtual conference (June 15-18).
- Ibrahim J, Adkison L R, Sotto M, Jack-Edwards F, Scott B, Morris-Patterson A. Implementation of Skills Competencies Across A Medical Curriculum. Poster presentation, IAMSE 2020 virtual conference (June 15-18).
- Linda R Adksion, Marc T Zubrow. Implementation Of Entrustable Professional Attributes For Student Evaluations And Medical Student Performance Evaluations. Poster presentation, IAMSE 2020 virtual conference (June 15-18).
- Bernadette Scott, Frances E Jack-Edwards, Keshab R Paudel, Frank E Fitzpatrick, Kathryn A Murray, Linda R Adkison. Use Of Sedlacek Non-Cognitive Variables For Assessment Of Medical School Applicants. Poster presentation, IAMSE 2020 virtual conference (June 15-18).
- Linda Adkison, Frances E Jack-Edwards. Analysis Of Lifelong Learning Behaviors And Attitudes And Academic Performance: A Four-Year Study. Poster presentation, IAMSE 2020 virtual conference (June 15-18).
- Paudel KR. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: different treatment approaches. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR) 6(3);10-14, 2019.
- Murray KA, Hoad CL, Garratt J, et al. A pilot study of visceral fat and its association with adipokines, stool calprotectin and symptoms in patients with diverticulosis. PLoS One. 2019;14(5):e0216528. Published 2019 May 8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0216528
- Nepal HP, Paudel R. Association of HACEK organisms-the oropharyngeal commensals in endocarditis. International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences. 2019; 5(2): 297-9.
- Paudel R, Nepal HP. Therapeutic options for vancomycin resistant enterococcal infections. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2019; 5(7):109-15.
- Bernadette Scott, Yuliya Modna, Daniel Khashchuk and John Duke The Interrelationship between Perceived Stress Level, Sleep Quality, and Academic Performance among Students of a Caribbean Medical School. Anatomy Physiology & Biochemistry International Journal, V 6 I 1 – June 2019DOI: 10.19080/APBIJ.2019.06.555676, Pp; 001-004
- Sue D. Stazetski, Binu Shrestha. The Effect of Personality Traits and Burnout Levels in Trinity School of Medicine Students. Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries ISSN : 2456-1045 VOL.33 I Issue-1 I Chapter-3
- Denham C, G Tissier, A Golding. 2019. Antiphospholipd antibody syndrome with thrombotic splenic infarcts associated with acute cytomegalovirus infection,” Access Microbiology
- Gumbs S, M Cox. 2019. Kawasaki disease: A case report. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 5(1): 1507.
- Jovanovic D, A Ruszkowski. 2019. Myelinated nerve fiber layer associated with other ocular pathology in a 20-year-old man. J Clin Res Med 2(3): 2-3.
- Matalon R, LM Delgado, BM Young, DR Matalon, R Schiffmann. 2019. Canavan disease. Neur Medlink
- Matalon R, LM Delgado, BM Young, DR Matalon, R Schiffmann. 2019. GM1 gangliosidosis. Neur Medlink
- Matalon R, LM Delgado, BM Young, DR Matalon, R Schiffmann. 2019. GM2 gangliosidosis. Neur Medlink
- Mian JS, Boseovski C, C Henderson. 2019. What is causing scrotal swelling, pain, and discoloration after a man’s vasectomy? Consultant 59(3): 81-83.
- Bangura A. 2019. Atypical Diabetic Charcot knee with synovial sarcoma CT impression: A case report and review of current literature. J Clin Case Rep. 2019;9(7):1-6.
- Dragan Jovanovic, Tatjana Gazibara, Ranjan Solanki, Caleb Ackerman, Emily Satkovich, Perception of health-related case studies in the context of introduction to clinical medicine course: student’s and teachers’ perspective, In Press, Ir J Med Sci, (1971-), 2019
- Iuliia Zhuravlova. Early Human Development: Integrated course of Embryology and Genetics. February 22-23, 2019. Los Angeles, CA, Innovations in Medical Education Conference.
- Barvo M, Stone B. April 2019. Psychological Reasons Why College Students Avoid Healthcare. Presented at the 2019 American College of Physicians Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [ACP National Abstract Competition Champion & Poster Finalist]
- Shieh V, Sansare A, Amin V, Jain M, Collins J, Bulea TC & Zampieri C. March 2019. Validation of the APDM Opal Inertial Sensors to assess gait in typically developing children. Presented at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. [WCPT outstanding poster presentation from the North America Caribbean Region award]
- Shieh V, Sansare A, Jain M, Bulea BC, Mancini M & Zampieri C. January 2019. Validation of APDM Opal Inertial Sensors to assess balance in typically developing children. Presented at the 2019 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
- Shieh V, Zampieri C, Joe GO, Bradley K, Carrillo N & Shrader JA. January 2019. Validity and Clinical Utility of the Adult Myopathy Assessment Tool in GNE Myopathy. Presented at the 2019 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
- Shieh V, Shrader JA, Zampieri C, Joe GO, Kokkinis A, Fischbeck KH & Grunseich C. January 2019. Characterizing Functional Challenges in Men with Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy with the Adult Myopathy Assessment Tool. Presented at the 2019 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
- Adkison LR, F Jack-Edwards. 2019. Preliminary analysis of the new MCAT, student progression, and USMLE Step 1 performance. International Association of Medical Science Educators, Roanoke VA. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.12849.84325
- Cole M, K Fresa, M Bell, D Shell, LR Adkison. 2019. A benchmark-anchored path for success on Step 1/Level 1 licensure exams. International Association of Medical Science Educators, Roanoke VA. Cox M, P Darwin, A Sood, R Ayre. 2019. Cell lymphoma masquerading as a pancreatic mass with pancreatitis. Presented at the ACG Annual Meeting, June 2019.
- Mancini E, E Liu. 2019. Centering Parenting: It takes a village. 2019 Circle of Honor Minogue Award for Patient Innovations, Presented at the Maryland Patient Safety Center, April 2019.
- Zhamak K, A Howard, G Chow, J Graham, A Ibrahim. 2019. Pattern of hiatal hernia repair: An analysis of the national inpatient sample. Presented at the 2019 SAGES Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
- Dr. Mishra, Miyares – TAHPERD Conference, Dec 2019
- Jovanovic Dragan and Breland Nathalie, 31 st European Congress of Pathology, 7 – 11 September 2019, Nice, France: Pure de-novo 4.5 Mb duplication at Xp11.22-p11.23 in an 18-month-old boy: phenotypic and molecular characterization.
- Al-Ajmi AM, MA Morad, PE Cooper, LH Hassino, MA Siddeiq. 2018. Reversible ethyl chloride neurotoxicity: A case report. Can J Neurol Sci 45(1): 119-120 DOI10.1017/cjn.2017.262.
- Carroll X, X Liang, W Zhang, W Zhang, G Liu, N Turner, SK Leeper-Woodford. 2018. Socioeconomic, environmental and lifestyle factors associated with gestational diabetes mellitus: A matched case-control study in Beijing, China. Sci Rep 8(1): 8103 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26412-6.
- Gurung KB, N Banepali, RR Sthapit, B Adhikar. 2018. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repairs: comparison between TAPP and TEP at a tertiary center in Nepal. Int Surg J 5(11): 3719-3726.
- Mishra M, R Panta, M Miyares, R Solanki. 2018. Association of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders: an adipocytokines prospective. J Endo Thyroid Res 3(3): 555612. DOI: 10.19080/JETR.2018.03.555612.
- Major G, K Murray, G Singh et al. 2018. Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chime consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging. Neurogastroenterology Motility 30(9):
- Wilkinson-Smith V, G Major, L Ashleigh, K Murray, CL Hoad, L Marciani, PA Gowland et al. 2018. Insights into the different effects of food on intestinal food on intestinal secretion using magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Parenteral Enteral Nutrition. (IF .249)
- Olivieri PP, AC Verceles, JM Hurley, MT Zubrow, J Jeudy, MT McCurdy. 2018. A pilot study of ultrasonagraphy-naïve operator’s ability to use tele-ultrasonagraphy to assess heart and lung. J Intensive Care Med. DOI: 10.1177/0885066618777187
- Reynolds HN, MT Zubrow, R Alcorta, N Sikka. 2018. Adult Emergency and Critical Care: IN Understanding Telehealth, Rheuban KS, Kurpinski EA (eds). McGraw Hill Education Publishers, Ch 8, pp 89-112.
- Jovanovic D, R Kidnie, J Khojesteh, J Graham, R Solanki. 2018. Assessing the benefits of team based learning in the context of a clinical pathology course.
- Malcolm T, K Chatha, A Breceda, E Guo, D Friedman, V Sabesan, W Barsoum. 2018. The impact of solid organ transplant history on inpatient complications and cost for primary total shoulder arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
- McIntosh A. 2018. Geriatric medicine: A student’s thoughts. Scholar Journal of Applied Sciences and Research 1(4): 94-36
- Mishra M, R Panta, M Miyares, R Solanki. 2018. Association of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders: an adipocytokines prospective. J Endo Thyroid Res 3(3): 555612. DOI: 10.19080/JETR.2018.03.555612.
- Mokhtar MM, A Ibrahim, CE Lempke. 2018. The heart that wasn’t attacked: A case of transverse myelitis. Global J Med Clin Case Rep 5(1): 007-009.
- Mokhtar MM, A Ibrahim, CE Lempke. 2018. The anemia that halted treatment: a case of complicated hyperlipidemia.
- Neopane P, HP Nepal, R Shrestha, O Uehara, Y Abiko. 2018. In vitro biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wounds of hospital-admitted patients and their association with antimicrobial resistance. Int J Gen Med 11: 25-32.
- Panta R, K Paudel, M Mishra, R Solanki, B Shrestha, J Ibrahim. 2018. Effectiveness of carbohydrate diet restriction in type 2 diabetes mellitus on insulin and incretin-based therapies. Asian Pac J Health Sci 5(1): 1-8.
- Paudel KR, HP Nepal, B Shrestha, R Panta, S Toth. 2018. Learning approaches among the preclinical medical students at Trinity School of Medicine. J Educ Eval Health Prof.
- Sabesan V, D Malone, K Chatha. 2018. Managing postoperative pain in the orthopedic patient without opiods, a commentary. Cleveland Clinic Consult QD
- Zhuravlova I, M Kornieieva, E Rodrigues. 2018. Anatomic variability of the morphometric parameters of the fourth ventricle of the brain. J Neuro Surg Pt B. 79(2): 200-204. DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1606331
- Modna Y, B Scott, D Hobby. 2018. The estimation of prevalence and causes of anxiety and depression among medical students in a Caribbean medical school. Presented at the 3rd Annual Trinity Medical Sciences University Research Day, November, 2018.
- Solanki R, L Diaz, M Miyares. 2018. Impact of the morphofunctional approach of teaching Histology on students’ performance in Pathology 2. Presented at the 3rd Annual Trinity Medical Sciences University Research Day, November, 2018.
- Bangura A, I Zhuravlova, B Scott. 2018. Determining the relationship between gap years, first year medical school performance, and academic burnout.” Presented at the 3rd Annual Trinity Medical Sciences University Research Day, November, 2018.
- Shrestha B. 2018. Effect of Intermittent Photic Stimulation (IPS) on Electroencephalogram (EEG) of females with premenstrual dysphoric disorders (PMDD). Oral presentation at the Annual Congress on Neuroscience and Therapeutics, Toronto. Canada.
- Tewodros W. 2018. The human microbiome as a tool in forensic science. Presented at the 3rd Annual International Forensic Pathology Symposium, Sexual Assault in the Caribbean: Medical, Forensic and Legal Challenges, Kingstown, St. Vincent.
- Adkison LR, S Weerasena. 2018. Development of a paperless secure extranet and intranet for accreditation documents. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Alexander V, S Alexander, C Boseovski. 2018. Discovering of a reverse pathway in lymphocytes will change not only random theory of immune globulin synthesis and the central dogma of molecular biology, also will bring a novel super-antibody (SAb) technology for very effective and fast treatment and cure of all infectious diseases and cancer. Presented at the 9th Molecular & Immunogenetics Congress, London UK. Berges P, A Danilenko, P Rutka, G Ghanbari, M Mikhail, M Whelan, W Gilmartin. 2018. Pseudo-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the Context of Anoxia Secondary to Heroin Overdose. Presented at the Southampton Hospital Research Day.
- Carroll D, S BePlate, M Musara. 2018. Reinforcement of gastrointestinal anastomosis with porcine ECM decreases the rate of anastomotic leakage. Presented at the annual American Student Medical Association meeting, Washington DC.
- Haider SH, A Veerappan, M Mikhail, E Caraher, R Lam, G Crowley, S Kwon, M Sunseri, A Oskuei, J Riggs, D Prezant, L-C Chen, AM Schmidt, A Nolan. 2018. Advanced glycation end-poducts receptor: mediator of persistent airway reactivity after particulate matter exposure. Presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego CA
- Jack-Edwards F, Y Modna. 2018. An academic counselling team to improve student confidence and academic performance. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Jack-Edwards F, LR Adkison. 2018. A structured approach to refocusing students who struggle to meet benchmarks for USMLE Step 1. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Jovanovic D, R Kidnie, J Graham, R Solanki, J Khojasteh. 2018. Working together: Assessing the benefits of team based learning in the context of a medical pathology course. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Jovanovic D, R Solanki, J Khojasteh, C Ackermann, E Satkovich, M Caine. 2018. Perception of health-related case studies in the context of Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Kwon S, SH Haider, EJ Caraher, R Lam, G Growley, M Mikhail, T Schwartz, M Liu, DJ Prezant, A Nolan. 2018. Metabolic syndrome biomarkers of lung injury in world trade center exposed firefighters: a 15-year longitudinal cohort study. Presented at the NYU Department of Medicine 16th Annual Research Day.
- Modna Y, B Scott. 2018. The association of students’ circadian rhythms with perceived stress level and academic performance. Presented at the Innovations in Medical Education Conference, Los Angeles CA.
- Paudel KR, H Nepal, B Shrestha, R Panta, S Toth. 2018. Learning approaches among the medical students at Trinity School of Medicine and its academic significance. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Scott B, M Mishra, LR Adkison. 2018. Developing leadership from the middle in a small medical school. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Smith C. 2018. A comprehensive review of training programs designed to increase graduate medical education diversity. Platform presentation at the 14th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference, Tysons VA.
- Zhuravlova I, J Zweigle. 2018. Students’ perception of usefulness of team based learning in an anatomy course. Presented at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Henderson NV.
- Paudel K. 2017. Learning approaches among the medical students at Trinity School of Medicine and its academic significance.
- Stazetski S. 2017. Effect of personality on personal burnout in TSOM students.
- Zweigle J. 2017. Preparation of anatomy TBL sessions by TSOM students.
- Khashchuk D. 2017. The estimation of circadian rhythms among medical students as one of the tools to help in organization of their time management.
- Duke J. 2017. The interrelationship between perceived stress level, sleep quality, and academic performance among students of Trinity School of Medicine.
- Abu-Saif N, Allport SA, Kikah N, Atem FD. 2017. Parental-offspring association of age of onset of coronary heart disease or stroke: a prospective cohort study of parents and offspring. Int J Med Pub Hlth 7:1 DOI: 10.5530/ijmedph.2017.1.3.
- Carroll D, S BePlate, M Nayak, C Denham, M Musara. 2017. Reinforcement of gastrointestinal anastomosis with porcine ECM decreases the rate of anastomotic leakage. (submitted)
- Chatha K, R Shahriar, J Whaley, D Malone, V Sabesan. 2017. Value Analysis of Operative Management of Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery (in review)
- Chatha K, A Al-Mansoori, E Guo, J Whaley, D Malone, V Sabesan. 2017. A Cost Analysis of Concussions in Major League Baseball. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine (in review)
- Coles M, R Casper, N Palmer. 2017. The refractory endometrium is still refractory. Can J Obstet Gyn. In press
- Denham C, G Tissier, A Golding. 2017 Antiphopholipid antibody syndrome associated with acute cytomegalovirus infection: Case report and review. (submitted)
- Hashemi MM, BS Holden, B Durnas, R Bucki, PB Savage. 2017. Ceragenins as mimics of endogenous antimicrobial peptides. J Antimicrob Agents 3:2.
- Hashemi M, J Rovig, BS Holden, T Modzelewski, I Gueorguieva, M von Dyck, R Bracken, C Gengerg, S Deng, PB Savage. 2017. A caragenin-containing coating prevents bacterial and fungal biofilm formation on endotracheal tubes in vitra and is well-tolerated in vivo. (submitted)
- Heinrich AE, DS Swink, KR Humphrey, RD Nicklas, AR Ibrahim. 2017. A case report of fever and ambulatory dysfunction. Intg Med Clin Case Rep 1:1-3.
- Lee MS, S Penumala, S Sweet, RR DeLuca, AE Stearnes, Y Akgun. 2017. Long term progression of sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus after intensity modulated radiation therapy and cisplatin-based chemotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A case report. Case Rep Oncol 10:743-751.
- Kidnie RT, J Mowrey, DR Mantilla, RD Nicklas, R Rangarajan, GK Wenning. 2017. A 68-year-old female with probable multiple system atrophy. Intl J Case Rep Images. (Submitted).
- Kornieieva M, I Zhuravlova, H Hadidy. 2017. Sterotactic characteristics of the thalamus subject to shape of the skull: An MRI study. Open Access Res Anat 1(1): OARA.000504.
- Malcolm T, K Chatha, A Breceda, E Guo, D Friedman, V Sabesan, W Barsoum. 2017. The impact of solid organ transplant history on inpatient complications and cost for primary total shoulder arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (in review)
- Mantilla Dr, O McDiarmid. 2017. Establishing parallel student governments at an international medical school. Intl J Med Students. (submitted)
- Manuel A, N Badro, A Al-Jehani. 2017. Case report: Development of leukocytoclastic vasculitis after cardiac stress test with Technetium 99 Sestamibi. Intern J Recent Res Appl Studies 4(6): 68-70.
- Marks BA, K Humphrey, N Chan, Rowson, MV. 2017. A case report: A 15-year-old female with elevated C reactive protein, major depression and maltreatment in early childhood. J. Clin Med Case Reports 4(1):4.
- Marks BA, JM Bakou, A Ibrahim. 2017. “End-stage renal disease and early onset calciphylaxis: A Case Report. J Clin Med Case Rep 4(1):4.
- Mishra M, Relatado-Sotto M, Panta R, Miyares M, Solanki R. 2017. Association of Diabetes Mellitus and Thyroidism: A Metabolic Prospective. Asian Pac. J. Health Sci 4(3): 253-262.
- Mowrey J, R Kidnie, D Mantilla, R Nicklas, A Chekol, M Ballo. 2017. Pulmonary cystic disease case report. J Clin Med Case Rep. (submitted).
- Mowrey J, RT Kidnie, DR Mantilla, RD Nicklas, A Chekol, MS Ballo. 2017. A 44-year-old femail with chest pain and shortness of breath. J Clin Med Case Rep (submitted)
- Neopane P, Nepal HP, Gautam R, Paudel R, Ansari S, Shrestha S, Thapa S. 2017. Is there correlation of biofilm formation with multidrug resistance and ESBL production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa? Eur J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci 4(1): 3266-372.
- Nepal HP, P Neopane, R Shrestha, R Gautam, R Paudel, S Ansari, S Shrestha, S Thapa. 2017. Biofilm formation and antimicrobial resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients visiting a tertiary care center of Nepal. Asian Pacific J Trop Dis 7(6): 347-351.
- Nicklas RD, DS Swink, AE Heinrich, C Boyd, C Li. 2017. Esophageal dysmotility and abscess formation post roux-en-Y bariatric surgery: a case report. Int J Case Rep Images 8(11): 746-751 doi: 10.53348/ijcri-2017116-CR-10855.
- Panta R, Jack-Edwards F, Sotto M. 2017. Class Attendance and the Performances in Physiology Board Examinations: A Study in a Caribbean Medical School. Anat Physiol Biochem Int J. 2017; 1(4): 555569. DOI: 10.19080/APBIJ.2017.01.555569.
- Panta R, Paudel BH, Limbu N. 2017. Electroencephalographic changes in Type 2 diabetes mellitus during hyperventilation and post-hyperventilation. Int J Adv Res 5(4): 809-815
- Panta R, Thakur D, Paudel BH. Electrophysiological Status of Sural Nerves in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients before Symptomatic Peripheral Neuropathy. Clin Diabet (accepted for publication)
- Paudel KR, KM Bhurtyal, R Panta. 2017. Assessment of prescription errors of preclinical medical and dental undergraduate students in a teaching college. Eur J Phar Med Res 4(3): 20-24.
- Paudel R, A Deka, HK Gupta, HP Nepal. 2017. Comparative evaluation of analgesic efficacy of tramadol and diclofenac-sodium in post-operative orthopedic patients. Int J Basic Clin Pharm 6(11):2676-83.
- Sabesan V, R Shahriar, J Whaley, K Varadarajan, C Amato, D Malone, K Chatha, A Srinath. 2017. Value Analysis of surgical management of ankle fractures. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery (in press).
- Sabesan V, K Chatha, T Pruis, D Malone, C Fernandez-Peaguda, E Guo. 2017. Concussions in soccer: is heading safe? Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics (in review)
- Seyffert S, W Kvatum. 2017. An atypical cause of epilepsy; what a headache. J Neurol & Transl Neurosci 5: 1078-1081.
- Shrestha B, BH Paudel, N Limbu, K Agrawal. 2017. Effect of intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) on electroencephalogram (EEG) of females with premenstrual dysphoric disorders (PMDD). Adv Res J Multi-Discipl Disc 18(1): 25-29.
- Solanki R, S Solanki, M Mishra, R Panta, D Jovanovic, KB Gurang. 2017. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: three decades of lessons. Int J Curr Med Pharm Res 3(9): 2396-2405.
- Wolfe-Sabo C, M Coles, A Thomson, E Meyer. 2017. Multiple adhesions in adenocarcinoma of colon without prior surgery. J Clin Med Case Rep. In press
- Young A, R Mitacek, AA Stearnes. 2017. A deceptive diagnosis: Staphylococcus aureus with superimposed actinomyces case report. Resp Med Case Rep (submitted).
- Young A, R Mitacek. 2017. Penile erosion in a paraplegic man with indwelling urinary catheter and scrotal edemal. Urol Case Rep, 12: 62-63 DOI:10.1016/j.eucr.2017.03.001.
- Zhuravlova I, M Kornieieva, E Rodrigues. 2017. Anatomic variability of the morphometric parameters of the fourth ventricle of the brain. J Neuro Surg Pt B. In press.
- Berry AC, JD Lenchus, AM Palacia, WD Skelton, et al. 2017. Barriers to scholarly activity and scholarship for medical students and residents: Does presence of an in-house gastroenterology fellowship program matter? Presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG2017, Orlando FL.
- Chatha K. 2017. Does preoperative narcotic use predict post-operative narcotic dependence following total shoulder arthroplasty? Presented at American Medical Association Resident and Fellow Competition, November 2017, Hawaii, HI, USA
- Chatha K. 2017. Value analysis of operative management of distal radius fractures. Presented at the High Value Academic Alliance National Research Symposium, October 2017, Baltimore, MA, USA
- Cole MS, Adkison LR. 2017. Introducing critical observation skills through a short course in dysmorphology. Accepted for presentation at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Burlington VT.
- Guzzardo G, P Cartwright, A Salem, R Hammour, MC Masara MC. 2017. A novel surgical technique: abdominal wall reconstruction utilizing a Pfannenstiel abdominoplasty component separation, biological mesh underlay, and biosynthetic overlay. Presented at the American Medical Student Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
- Marks B, J Bakou, A Salem. 2017. End-stage renal disease and early onset calciphylaxis: A case report”, Presented at the Michigan Chapter American College of Physicians, Society of Hospital Medicine, Sterling Heights, Michigan.
- Mishra M, R Solanki, R Panta. 2017. Interaction of coffee consumption and thryoid cancer risk. Presented at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Sciences, Varanasi, India.
- Modna Y, B Scott. 2017. The role of circadian rhythms among medical students in time management achievement. Presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Science and Education, Prague Czech Republic.
- Modna Y, B Scott, Folds Andrea. 2017. Estimation of circadian rhythms among medical students as a tool to help time management organization. Accepted for platform presentation at the International Association of Medical. Science Educators, Burlington VT.
- Panta R, BH Paudel, D Thakur. 2017. Electrophysiological status of sural nerve in type 2 diabetic patients before overt peripheral neuropathy. Presented at the International Conference on Diabetes, Nutrition, Metabolism & Medicine, Vancouver, Canada.
- Panta R, F Jack, MR Sotto. 2017. Association of NBME physiology performance with class attendance, MCAT scores, and undergraduate GPA. Accepted for presentation at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Burlington VT.
- Shrestha B. 2017. Effect of an intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) on electroencephalogram (EEF) of females with premenstrual dysphoric disorders (PMDD). Accepted for Presented at the 17th Global Neuroscience Conference, Osaka, Japan.
- Zhuravlova I. 2017. Prediction of the exam performance in an anatomy course based on the results of quizzes. Accepted for presentation at the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Burlington VT.
- Audisio F, D Janovic. 2016. A 47-year-old woman with dysphagia and dyspnea.
- Bell G, P Wilson. 2016. Evaluating effectiveness of an extended basic science curriculum for international medical science students.
- Daymond E, J Morin-Major, S Davis, J Ibrahim, A Morris-Patterson, B Shresta. 2016. Prevalence of peripheral neuropathy among persons with type 2 diabetes in a selected health district St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
- Folds A, Y Modna, B Scott. 2016. The estimation of circadian rhythms among medical students as one of the tools. to help in the organization of their time management.
- Graham J, D Jovanovic. 2016. Working together: Assessing the benefits of team based learning (TBL) in the context of a medical pathology course.
- Harrelson EK, W Harrington, C Laird. 2016. Development of an online resource for the impact of microflora on health.
- Panta R, M Sotto, F Jack-Edwards. 2016. Association of attendance and NBME performance in physiology.
- Parrish R, D Jovanovic. 2016. A 13-year-old female with hemolacria and hemoptysis.
- Zhuravlova I. 2016. Effectiveness of the course critiques as an evaluation tool.
- Acab JC, Kvatum W, Ebo C. 2016. A 76-year-old male with an unusual presentation of merkel cell carcinoma. Int J Surg Case Rep 23: 177-181. DOI:
- Allport SA, Kikah N, Abu-Saif N, Ekokobe F, Atem FD. 2016. Parental age of onset of cardiovascular disease as a predictor for offspring age of onset of cardiovascular disease. PLoS One 11(12): e0163334. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163334.
- Ansari S, Gautam R, Nepal HP, Subedi SN, Shrestha S, Mandal M, Rimal B, Chhetri MR. 2016. Helicobacter pylori colonization in Nepal: Assessment of prevalence and potential risk factors in a hospital-based patient cohort. BMC Res Notes 9: 59.
- Burns E, Gupta P, Leonard D. 2016 Radiation induced angiosarcoma of the breast following modified radical mastectomy: A case report. Appl Radiology (in press)
- Burns E, Baiel J, Sam S, Mitacek R, Valenta K. 2016. Anoexia in a patient with Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome: A Case Report. J Hematology, 5(2): 79-81 DOI:
- Burns EA, Baiel JJ, Sam SS, Mitacek RB, Valenta KTS. 2016. Anorexia in a patient with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome and systemic capillary leak syndrome: A case report. J Hematology 5(1): 79-81.
- Chen X, Lee M. 2016. A case study on multi-lane roundabouts under congestion: comparing software capacity and delay estimates with field data. J Traf Transport Engin, 3(2): 154-165.
- Fagorala, A. 2016. Trends and Inducing factors for Illicit Drug Use in Grenada: Epoch 2001-2009. J Behav Ther Mental Hlth 1(4): 0-0.
- Kvatum W, S Seyffert, JC Acab, P Cartwright. 2016. A current review on Merkel cell carcinoma and future management. J Dermatol and Clin Res. 4(3): 1075-1078.
- Mishra M, R Panta, M Miyares. 2016. Influence of coffee and its components on breast cancer: A review. Asian Pac J Trop Dis 6(10): 827-831.
- Mistroff J, G Guzzardo, A Salem, MC Musara. 2016. Cultured media containing bacterial flora could be a better alternative to fecal transplantation in treating recurrent Clostridium difficile colitis. J Clin Exp Immunol 1(2): 1-4.
- Mohamed AM, SA Waheed, NM Mohamed, NM Clark. 2016. “An 87-Year-Old Man with Acute Catastrophic Pneumonia”, Annals Amer Thoracic Soc, Vol. 13(3): 432-437. Doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201507-418CC
- Mohamed AM, A Caines, NM Mohamed, S Mumtaz, O Khan. 2016. A complicated case of constipation. J Clin Med Case Rep 2(11):1-7.
- Nepal HP, P Neopane, R Shrestha, R Gautam, R Paudel, S Ansari, S Shrestha, S Thapa, W Tewodros. 2016. Klebsiella pneumonia: Biofilm formation and antimicrobial resistance. Ann Med Health Sci Res (in review)
- Nepal HP, R Gautam, S Ansari, S Shrestha, P Neopane. 2016. Seroprevalence of brucellosis in clinically suspected patients at a tertiary care center of central Nepal. Eur J Biomed Pharm Sci 3(8): 1-6.
- Nevin RL, AM Byrd. 2016. Neuropsychiatric adverse reactions to mefloquine: a systematic comparison of prescribing and patient safety guidance in the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Neurol Ther 5(1): 69-83. DOI:10.1007/s40120-016-0045-5
- Nwachukwu NF, M Mishra, T Marcelle, JB Owolabi. 2016. Effects of vitamins in augmentation of Malaria treatment: A review. Asian Pac J Health Sci 3(4):34-43.
- Panta R, R Khadka, D Thakur, N Limbu, BH Paudel. 2016. Which occurs first in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus? Central or peripheral neuropathy. Intl Arch Biomed Clin Res 2(2): 73-78.
- Paudel KR, RK Jha, S Basnet, R Panta, KM Bhurtyal, P Sah, S Adhikari. 2016. Influence of an educational intervention on prescribing errors of second year medical students in a teaching medical college in Nepal. Eur J Biomed Phar Sci 3(9): 367-372.
- Paudel KR, M Sharma, BR Raghubansi, RK Jha. 2016. Antimicrobial susceptibility and prevalence of two serotypes of Salmonella enterica in Nepal. Eur J Pharm Med Res 3(2): 139-145.
- Quach S, Nguyen M. 2016. Worsening fever and chest pain after surgery. The New Physician Mar-Apr 33-34.
- Quach S, Nguyen M, et al. 2016. A 51-year-old male with worsening abdominal pain. The New Physician Jan-Feb 33-35.
- Roper KO, A Ohemeng, D Mansourfi, R Belgarde. 2016. Non-surgical Management of Non Healing Wound Associated With Dry Gangrene of Toe. American Family Physician (Submitted).
- Rowson DR, J Proulx, S Tyler. 2016. Dissociative identity disorder as a coping mechanism in an at-risk 10-year-old female. Curr Psych. (in press)
- Sabesan V, R Shahriar, K Chatha, A Sherwood, C Fernandez-Peaguda, J Whaley. 2017. Cost and Profit Metrics of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Arthroscopy (in press)
- Sam SS, Valenta KTS. 2016. A 55-year-old female presenting with central venous stenosis. J Case Rep Images Med 2:1–4. Doi: 10.5348/Z09-2016-8-CR-1
- Sam SS, Valenta KTS. 2016. Recurrent triple negative breast cancer with early severe systemic metastases. J Case Rep Images Oncol 2:14-17.
- Sam SS, Valenta KTS. 2016. Anaphylactic shock after isosulfan blue administration during sentinel lymph node biopsy. J Case Rep Images Surg 2:36-38.
- Sam SS, Valenta KTS, Baiel JJ. 2016. A 29 year old female with hereditary coproporphyria and new-onset seizures. J Hemat (in press).
- Shrestha B. 2016. Electroencephalogram (EEG) changes in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Intl J Hlth Sci Res 6(9): 174-178.
- Solano D, L Adkison, P Endara, I Sisa. 2016. Assessing research competency in a PBL curriculum: A pilot study of a private university in Ecuador, 2009-2012. Med Sci Educ 26(2): 239-246.
- Valenta KTS, Sam SS, Burns EA. 2016. A 65-year-old female with a 33-month progression of an atrial myxoma. J Hematology 5(2): 79-81.
- Hill RW, GA Wyse, M Anderson. 2016. Animal Physiology, 4th edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc, Sunderland, MA. 828 pp.
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